THE DANCING COLORFULLY BLOG by Dance Daze Dance Boards™ — art RSS

5 Ways Dance Daze Dance Boards Can Support Your Goals for the New Year

If you follow me (Dance Daze Dance Boards Co-founder Saumirah McWoodson) online, you may have heard me say before that I’m not the biggest fan of setting new year resolutions for myself. I am more the kind of person to focus on one or a few words for the year (i.e., in the past, one of my words was “community”), and I feel that this really helps to guide my focus on what experiences I create for myself, what I say “yes” to, and what I say “no” to. So far, I haven’t yet picked my words or specific intentions for the year, but I am focusing on the ideas of moving, creating, and getting out into nature more. Additionally, I’m...

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Pushing Through to Create

Are you working to have a creative practice in your life or to regularly schedule time for artistic, inspiring activities that feed your soul? If so, I think that's absolutely great. But what happens on the days when you don't feel like doing the creative work? What happens when the intrinsic motivation that you usually get from participating in your creative activity isn't a strong enough reason to make you want to get out of bed in the morning? What if you simply don't feel like writing or dancing or drawing on any given day? How do you handle that? For me, something that I've learned that I must do when I'm not feeling the natural drive to create is...

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